Deep Cleansing With Thermoclean Electrode
Our professional skin therapist selects a specialized deep cleansing gel customized to the skin type of the client and then pass the electrode over the entire face.
The soft heat of the electrode helps to eliminate toxins and releases the skin from excess oil (sebum).
Immediate Visible Results:
Healing Of The Skin With Oxygen And Vitamins
Combining Oxygen Dermal Complex, a professional serum treatment, with PureBlue O2 Oxygen Concentrator, we treat the skin with a state-of-the art yeast (derived from plants) fermentation to increase uptake of oxygen to skin cells with vitamin peptides, multi-minerals and anti-irritant, anti-bacterial plant extracts.
Ready to Book An Appointment? Click here to book online. If this is your first time with us, choose First Time Visit. To find out more about our Vancouver skin spa’s facials, don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact form